BODY RECOVERY AFTER CHRISTMAS: Diet+Excercise for success!

Recuperar la Silueta tras las NavidadesBody recovery after Christmas is one of the main torments every coming year. After a month of meals, celebrations and food excesses, we return to everyday life with some extra kilos that trouble us and affect our physical health and our image.

The good news is that body recovery after Christmas is possible and relatively easy as long as we work to achieve it doing the most effective combination: a good purifying diet combined with good physical exercise routines. This process usually takes between one and three months, and requires from us perseverance and patience, so that we can see results and regain our usual shape and health.

As for food, we will opt for detoxifying foods that will help us to purify the liver and the body in general, detoxifying our body from excesses of Christmas food. Some of these foods include artichokes, pineapple, kiwi, apple, strawberry, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini, asparagus and broccoli. Cereals are an important source fiber and will also help us a lot in the debugging process. We also will need to drink plenty of fluids; water, teas and juices or fruit juices will be our best ally. We must avoid sauces, sugar and alcohol; try to control the amount of food we eat, eating in small proportions, five or six times a day.

Dieta Post-Navidad

With regard to the exercise, it is important that we retake it gradually but efficiently, remaining constant but without going crazy. After the holidays have the need to exercise compulsively to lose all the weight gained; It is not true. We must do a physical routine supported mainly in the cardiovascular and toning work, but always accompanied by an effective diet, so that we can gradually recover our physical condition and help in the debugging process of our body. It is important that in the beginning we work with adaptation routines; we can´t ask our body to respond to pre-holiday levels immediately. Experts recommend work with simpler, less intense and small routines circuits, so that all parts of the body gradually recover tone, helping to make easier and quicker the muscle acclimatization process. It’s good to do it for several days.

Ejercicio post-Navidad

As we have indicated, perseverance and patience are essential in the process of body recovery after Christmas. Working hard in a short time frame we will return to our normal physical condition, which will make all our efforts have been worthwhile.

Recuperar la figura tras navidad

From Valtrum we invite you to start the year with enthusiasm and determined to improve your quality of life. The enjoyment of the holidays has left physical scars on us that can eliminate while improving our health. It’s a matter of attitude and disposition to work our best to get it.

Have a nice week and See you next time!